Town of Oswego LWRP

Draft LWRP Multi-Agency Review
The third public meeting to review the draft LWRP was held on October 25th, 2023. Following the meeting, the document was submitted to NY Department of State for review. Below are the steps in the review process currently underway.
IV. LWRP Review and Approval Process
Next Steps:​
Town Board review and Resolution to submit the LWRP to NYS Department of State (DOS); SEQRA; Environmental Impact Statement, and submission of the draft document to DOS for review.
60 Day Federal Review (NYS DOS addresses Federal comments)
Town Board Adoption of Final LWRP and Local Consistency Law
DOS forwards to NY Secretary of State for official acceptance
Approximately 30 people attended the 2nd meeting in July 2022 to review draft sections 1 & 2 of the document, Vision & Goals, and draft conceptual design for the waterfront area. On October 25th 2023, we will review the completed draft LWRP.
Some of the things you have told us:
On Issues of Critical Importance:
Clean up streams and creeks – help small farmers change practices that cause runoff (fertilizers/pesticides)
Waterfront is eating away at Rt 89 near Rudy’s
Prevention as important as recovery
Giant hogweed behind 7 Pine Dr. and Barker/20 intersection
Please do not cover the waterfront in concrete in order to preserve it
Breakwall by Rudy’s needs fixing
Restore the beach in front of the breakwall
Sewer system for town
“Firetower” structure – middle of Snake Swamp Rd (Lakeshore Rd): observation, photos, birdwatching
Turn C waterways into A. Coordinate efforts beyond town into region to ban pesticides for instance
On Other Issues?
Preservation of nature trails
Lack of noise control/ordinance
Japanese Knotweed is becoming invasive along roadways
Opportunities for new/expanded business, facilities, services, establishments, other ideas?
Promote the sunsets
On Specific Waterfront Project Ideas:
Beachfront with sand
Boat launch
Biking and hiking trails that connect point A and B
Access is great. Paving everything to take “wildness” away is not. (two others agree)
Camp Hollis public access during camper off-season
Snake Swamp area: pedestrian/bike access only – bog boardwalks
Regan’s Lake: Hojack Trail mindset turned down through lack of community benefit understanding
Simple, low maintenance walking trail along shore
Bike tour maps along waterfront roads. We see cross country bicyclists on 104 :(
Pier overlooking Lake Ontario (similar to the one at Lake Neawantha in Fulton)
Geocaching trail with historic information
“Fitness trail”
Draft sections of the LWRP document can be reviewed here:
A paper copy of the full Draft LWRP will be available soon to read at the Oswego Town Hall.​
1st LWRP Community Survey Results - July 2021:
The 1st LWRP Community Survey was available on-line and paper surveys were available at the Town Hall, and local businesses around town through July 2021. With a total of 33 respondents, here is what people had to say. Thanks for participating!
Summary of key themes important to the community (# of times mentioned):
Public Access to the Waterfront (45)
Boating or Boat Launching (28)
Silver Lake (22)
Kayaking (21)
Swimming (17)
Fishing (17)
Beach (13)
Nature (9)
Hiking (7)
Canoeing (6)
Walking (6)
Bird Watching (6)
Snake Swamp (5)
Picnicking (5)
Park (4)
Biking (4)
Sunsets (4)
Wetlands (4)
Flat Rocks (3)
Parking (3)
Vision Statement
"The Town of Oswego, adjacent to the City of Oswego and host to the State University of New York, has remained largely open and rural in character, with expanses of farmlands and breathtaking views of Great Lake Ontario as well as ecologically-rich lands surrounding tributaries to the lake, and a history tied to the town’s lakefront location and proximity to the Oswego River and Canal. With a long history of lakefront visitation for recreational enjoyment, including swimming, boating, fishing, wildlife observation, and stunningly beautiful sunsets over Lake Ontario, the Waterfront Revitalization Area (WRA) of this LWRP will carefully balance recreational, cultural, and economic development with the protection and enhancement of sensitive and vulnerable environmental areas and community character, and bring new and improved opportunities for waterfront access, ensuring a wonderful place to live, work, study, and visit where all may enjoy the unique places that the area encompasses."
1. Natural Resource Protection:
The many unique natural areas of Waterfront Revitalization Area (WRA) and its many waterbodies make it susceptible to environmental degradation if not carefully managed for conservation. Water quality, farmland, conservation lands, and the Town’s remaining scenic views and public access to enjoy these areas, could easily disappear if not protected. Adherence to federal, state and local natural resource protection laws is critically important to maintain and improve the existing and valuable ecosystem services and natural beauty of the WRA. Outstanding natural assets such as lakeshore areas, wetlands, ponds and waterways not already protected through New York State or Federal regulations are valuable ecological and open space resources enjoyed by the community and relied upon by a diversity of wildlife species. They deserve protection and stewardship.
2. Sustainable Development:
Encourage development and leveraged investments that balance enhancement of economic competitiveness with long-term community viability and a unique sense of community and place that provides safe walking and biking routes and fosters livable, safe and healthy places – stimulating economic activity by revitalizing and reinvesting in older existing development areas, and prioritizing infill and redevelopment rather than “greenfield” development of farmland or natural lands. Coordinate and carefully manage local policies to support existing communities, preserve and increase access to community resources, increase mobility, and promote equitable, affordable housing with improved energy-efficiency for people of all ages, incomes, races, and ethnicity.
3. Community Resiliency:
The ability to quickly and completely recover from natural disasters and other impacts on the community, such as the recent trends of fluctuating water levels and flooding along shoreline areas within the WRA are going to be increasingly important in the years ahead. Coordination with state and federal agencies, as well as county and regional partners is critical to help anticipate potential vulnerabilities and develop effective strategies and techniques for long-term viability of existing and new development within the WRA. Primary goals of this LWRP are to provide for disaster, storm, and flood protection to critical community infrastructure and vulnerable developed areas in the WRA through innovative engineering, thoughtful design, community resource development, and the maintenance of un-compromised ecosystem services.
Public Outreach Plan​
Successful waterfront revitalization happens when the community realizes that the waterfront belongs to them. By bringing people together, the community can create a vision that captures the ideas and interests of a broad constituency of those concerned with the future of the waterfront.
The public outreach plan for the LWRP project will identify a diverse range of stakeholder groups and potential partnerships including key individuals, organizations, and entities to be involved. It will identify roles and responsibilities of municipal staff, the waterfront advisory committee, and the consultant in coordinating the entire public outreach process. The proposed schedule and content of public meetings, including a community visioning process, will be described. Methods that will be used for publicizing public meetings and workshops will be identified - including press releases, announcements, web postings, and information tables at community events.